Monday, 19 October 2009

Audience feedback.

I showed my first anamatic to my A2 Media class and asked for feedback from them. I think the most important point that came up was that there wasn't enough of a narrative twist, or that the narrative wasn't interesting enough. We then thought about what twists could be involved, looking into a homosexual coupling between the two female characters, and the possible death of one of the characters.

The main points that came up from this exercise were..
1) The anamatic was clear and told the narrative concisely.
2) The narrative was believable and something that could actually happen in day-to-day life.
3) They said that the idea of having the two characters being good friends in private but not in school was good and reflective of the social tensions in schools.
4) The narrative needed a more memorable twist.

Having taken these ideas on board, I found it difficult to manipulate the storyline enough to have a more interesting twist without detracting from the positive atmosphere of the film. I therefore decided to put my second idea forward to the class. I didn't have an anamatic available to present, but the overall reaction was much more positive than for my first idea.

The main points that came up for this idea were..
1) The twist of cannibalism would be hard to put across but interesting
2) Filming in the dark would require extra lighting that could cause problems
3) Rather than having a confident boy who actively tries to win her affection, a shy, retiring boy that is approached by her would provide more uncertainty and would add to the confusion of the film
4) One of the masked people could be related to the boy to add an extra twist.

After presenting the two ideas to the class I have decided to develop the cannibal idea as it seemed more popular and would allow me to develop a more sinister film.

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